Glute Ham Raise

This exercise will chew your hamstrings up and spit them out. Build serious strength in your posterior chain with this one. Work negatives if you must, or add weight if you have NFL caliber hamstrings.


  • Adjust the pad so you are secure and able to create strong pressure through the balls of your feet into the plate at the top of the exercise
  • Keep the hips open on the negative and on the positive as well
  • Stop at parallel each rep
  • If your thighs are sliding down as you come up your set up is too long
  • You can use your hands to assist coming up if necessary, or add additional weight if you are sufficiently advanced


  • Closing the hips to come up
  • Lowering quickly
  • Lowering past parallel and using momentum to come up


  • Keep the elbows level with your shoulders and rotate the hands down and back up with control
  • The elbows should stay directly to the sides of the shoulders
  • Maintain strong retraction and rotate the hands as low as possible without causing the shoulders to translate forward


  • Elbows moving – the humorous should rotate within the joint
  • Shoulders rolling forward as the hands come down
  • Using too much weight
  • Flaring the ribcage 

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