False Grip Ring Pull-up

The false pull-up on rings has all the benefits of a traditional pull-up, but builds towards the muscle up because of the unique grip. The additional strength and mobility developed in the forearms by using this grip will translate to other more advanced skills as well.


  • Start by acquiring FALSE GRIP and lowering to a full hang
  • Initiate the pull by pulling the depressing and retracting the scaps
  • Pull with the arms until the rings contact your chest below the collar bones
  • Lower with active scaps until the arms are straight
  • Release the scaps to return to a full hang
  • Rest and reacquire the false grip if needed to complete the set with quality


  • Failing to use, or losing the false grip
  • Pulling arms before scaps, or without scaps at all
  • Not touching rings to the chest
  • Lowering without scap control
  • Failing to reach a full hang each rep

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