A Novel Approach to Longevity

September 25, 2019

Growing old can happen at any age. The more time we spend doing the same things, the more atrophied our brains become to the things we don’t do. This includes both physical and mental capacities. A rigid and closed system prevents the brain from adapting and the body from growing. Maintaining an adaptable brain requires novel stimulus on a regular basis.

When we try new things our brain is forced to adapt. Recently I had the opportunity to stand on a slackline for the first time. I stood on a very tight line to start, no problem. Next I was invited to try a more advanced line, but still at beginner level and I simply could not do it at all. After about 15-20 tries I was able to stand up well enough to abruptly fall to the ground as the line kicked out from under me. My brain developed the capacity to stabilize the line, very slightly, in literally a few minutes. 

There was no fMRI machine attached to me. No scientific study concluded with my results. But I went from can’t to can in a few short minutes. My brain learned new things. From a physical perspective my brain had to tell my body to work in a way it hadn’t before. I used new muscles, or the same muscles in a different way, to achieve a novel task. Win.

This all sounds great right? Keep the brain young, exercise new muscles, have fun. The trouble is that it’s very uncomfortable to try new things. You will suck at them by default. You must let go of pride and expectations and allow yourself to be a beginner. Forget about what you may look like, ask questions, be unsure of yourself, and be ok with all of it.

You are going to look foolish. You will eat shit and skin your knee. Someone nearby will laugh when you try your best. But if you have let go of your pride you both will laugh together. And you will learn and you will grow.

Zack is a lifelong fitness enthusiast and loves to challenge himself on a daily basis. The process of overcoming this challenge is two fold: To gain mastery of himself and to gain experience to more effectively coach others. Follow him on instagram to see how he tackles training and goals in his own life.



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