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The First Line of Defense

The First Line of Defense

We all possess an immune system. There are things you can do to support your immune system and things you can do to damage it. Regardless of pandemics, we should be doing what we can to support our immune system before asking the health care system for help. The...

Lifestyle Archives

Higher Order Priorities

Higher Order Priorities

Priorities are what we do. A large part of my work is centered around creating awareness around this issue with my clients. Often times there is a disconnect between what we feel are, or should be, our priorities and what we are actually spending our time on, aka...

How do you Define Success?

We all love the days where we have big PR’s. Lifting a heavy weight, going faster than ever and learning new skills are the major boosts that show your hard work is paying off. The trouble is these days are few and far between. Unless you’re a true beginner, there are...

Forget Goal Setting, Align your Life

Forget Goal Setting, Align your Life

In the traditional sense a goal is a finite achievement, an end result. Once you achieve a goal you have to either make a new one, or find something new to hold your attention. This is why diets don’t work in the long term and why New Year’s resolutions burnout by the...

Training vs. Testing

Training vs. Testing

CrossFit is a wonderful thing. It has brought a love of fitness to the general public as never seen before. Just a few years ago running and aerobics were considered fitness in and of themselves. Now we are finding there are countless ways to achieve physical mastery...

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