As a child it was my dream to swim in the Olympics. I had watched the US women, specifically the tiny Janet Evans,...
Jaala Shaw Articles
A Novel Approach to Longevity
Growing old can happen at any age. The more time we spend doing the same things, the more atrophied our brains become...
Eating an Elephant: How to Achieve any Goal
As a child it was my dream to swim in the Olympics. I had watched the US women, specifically the tiny Janet Evans,...
Truth and Recognition
The basic lifestyle guidelines are principles that are essential to both performance and health. Think of them as a...
5 Ways to Spend your Rest Day
I can tell when people are getting into their fitness because they started asking about what to do on their rest days....
Higher Order Priorities
Priorities are what we do. A large part of my work is centered around creating awareness around this issue with my...
How do you Define Success?
We all love the days where we have big PR’s. Lifting a heavy weight, going faster than ever and learning new skills...
Forget Goal Setting, Align your Life
In the traditional sense a goal is a finite achievement, an end result. Once you achieve a goal you have to either...
Training vs. Testing
CrossFit is a wonderful thing. It has brought a love of fitness to the general public as never seen before. Just a few...