Zachary Height Articles

Dumbbell Cuban Rotation

The dumbbell cuban rotation is a shoulder prehab exercise that strengthens the rotator cuff as well as develops coordination in the execution of shoulder rotation.

Russian Dip – Transition

The russian dip is an exercise to strengthen internal rotation of the shoulders. It directly translates to the turnover in the muscle up, which is a common exercise in CrossFit training.Cues: Support on forearms to begin and push tall Rock back slightly then rock...


How you do a push-up is a good measure of how you approach your training in general. A full range of motion push-up with quality is not an easy exercise for most and should be a staple in any training program, or warm-up for more advanced athletes.Cues: Start in a...

Workshop – Basic Training Templates

Below you will find links to PDF documents containing basic training templates. Feel free to use them and share them with anyone you think may be interested.   Handstand - Basic Training Template Mobility - Basic Training Template Strength - Basic Training...