The snatch is an Olympic weightlifting exercise that is also common in CrossFit and alluring those interested in...
Zachary Height Articles
Power Clean on Plates
This is an effective drill to teach athletes to pick their feet up in order to generate greater acceleration on their...
Prone Straddle Extension
Developing a powerful straddle will stabilize your lower back and is integral to keeping a body healthy. Not all leg...
Handstand – Freestanding
Cues: Balance with your hands Squeeze the glutes Squeeze the legs together Flex the quads Point the toes Mistakes:...
Russian Kettlebell Swing
Cues Start with the kettlebell in front of the body so you have to reach for it With a straight back hike the weight...
Prayer Stretch with Dumbbell
Dumbbell Floor Row
Kettlebell Liftoff + Swing
Kettlebell Liftoff
Thoracic Extension on Roller with KB
Life Lived Between the end Points: Reflections on GORUCK Selection 021
All photos by GORUCK Did you see me crying at that fire? I was dejected in my friend’s arms, sobbing so hard I...