Zachary Height Articles

Pigeon Stretch

The pigeon stretch is a classic hip opener to loosen then glutes. Done correctly it will help to increase hip mobility and can also reduce back pain associated with tight hips.Cues: Square hips to the front Work towards a 90 degree knee bend. Bend less to avoid...

Workshop Skills – 11.20.21

This session was about continuing to build compression strength towards a straddle press to handstand and learning to control our bodyweight on rings through the shoulders with straight arms. We built on the previous sessions mobility work by adding an additional...

Seated Pike Compression + Finger Walk Down

Creating a tight pike while leaning back enables a greater degree of compression compared to a lift directly from the floor with the chest forward. By starting with tighter compression and lowering into our best position with control you can build a greater degree of...

Skin the Cat – Floor Entry

CUES: Cling to a shoulders to ring hold and raise the knees with control In a tight tuck lean back and slowly straighten the arms to flip the body over With straight legs and straight arms slowly receive the floor with your feet Lower into your deepest shoulder...
Workshop 12.4.21

Workshop 12.4.21

Continuing to build compression through a combination of mobility and active flexion work was the core of our work...

Couch stretch

Couch stretch

The couch stretch lengthens the hip flexor and quad and is very helpful for generating hip extension. This lengthening...