Squatting while maintaining a bear hug creates a unique demand on the body. The arms work to keep the ball in...
General Training Articles
The thruster is a strength and a conditioning exercise. At heavier loads it teaches the athlete to drive aggressively...
Banded Deficit Deadlift
Pulling from a deficit increases the demand on the quadriceps to break the bar from the floor, while adding a band to...
GHD Hip Extension
This exercise should be a regular addition to your program. Whether done with intensity to build strength, or slow and...
Glute Ham Raise
This exercise will chew your hamstrings up and spit them out. Build serious strength in your posterior chain with this...
Goblet Pistol Squat
The goblet pistol squat builds on the pistol to increase unilateral strength in the legs and challenges balance and...
Shoulder Extension Rollover – Pronated
Shoulder extension is a key element in upper body movements like the push-up, dip and pull-up. It is also extremely...
Dumbbell Push Jerk – Single Arm
The push jerk is a more efficient way of getting a dumbbell overhead. By dipping under and locking the elbow you can...
Farmer’s Carry
The farmer's carry is good old fashioned hard work. It can be used for absolutely strength, conditioning, mental...
Kettlebell Swing – Single Arm
The single arm kettlebell swing combines all the benefits of the traditional swing with the benefits of unilateral...
Gorilla Row
The gorilla row uses a bracing arm against the ground to anchor and allow for heavier rowing and bigger gains. Cues:...
Kettlebell Front Rack Squat
The kettlebell front rack squat is utilized to create uneven loading in the squat. It is a lower intensity exercise,...