General Training Articles

Dumbbell Cuban Rotation

The dumbbell cuban rotation is a shoulder prehab exercise that strengthens the rotator cuff as well as develops coordination in the execution of shoulder rotation.

Goblet Squat – Double Brace

The goblet squat with double bracing helps to identify the effort and coordination of creating and maintaining a stable trunk and pelvis throughout the full range of motion of a squat. Often the bottom of the squat loses stability and poor performance, or minor, but...

Jump Rope

Jump rope is a dynamic warm up and can also be used in a conditioning setting. It requires and develops rhythm as well as high-eye coordination. Single Unders: Keep the body loose and relaxed and the spine neutral Arms should be symmetrical when viewed from the front...

Wall Sit – Weighted

The weighted wall sit is used to develop strength in the legs without requiring eccentric contractions. It is a good tool to build volume during periods of high training demand. Cues: Position yourself so your knees and hips are each bent to 90 degree angles Keep your...


The thruster is a strength and a conditioning exercise. At heavier loads it teaches the athlete to drive aggressively...