The goblet heels elevated squat is a quadriceps and knee strengthening exercise. By elevating the heels the forward...

The goblet heels elevated squat is a quadriceps and knee strengthening exercise. By elevating the heels the forward...
The heels elevated squat is a quadriceps and knee strengthening exercise. By elevating the heels the forward load is...
The front foot elevated split squat is a combination of strength and mobility. By lunging deep you will build ankle...
The single arm alternating dumbbell clean + thruster is a unilateral conditioning exercise that combines strength and...
The single arm dumbbell clean + thruster is a unilateral conditioning exercise that combines strength and coordination...
The dumbbell clean + thruster is a conditioning exercise that combines strength and coordination to challenge...
The 2DB bent over row is pulling exercise that places additional emphasis on core strength as well as the hips and...
The alternating bent over row is pulling exercise that places additional emphasis on core strength as well as the hips...
The Alternating DB Floor Press is an exercise to develop arm strength as well as to teach proper back tension in the...
The DB Floor Press is an exercise to develop arm strength as well as to teach proper back tension in the press.Cues:...
Cues: Take a seat and cross one ankle over the other knee Hinge forward to stretch glute the up leg side You can push...
Cues: Hold arm out with thumb side up Flex weight back towards elbow Lower smoothly and under control Mistakes:...