Olympic Weightlifting Articles

Muscle Snatch

The muscle snatch develops timing of the hips into the arms as well as encourages a vertical bar path after the hips and an active and aggressive turnover and lockout. Cues: Everything is like a snatch from the set up through the second pull Keep the legs locked after...

Hang Snatch – Knee

The Hang Snatch from the knee is an accessory exercise for the Snatch in Olympic weightlifting. It assists in rate of force development as well as encourages a fast turnover and lockout in the receiving position. Points of Performance:  Deadlift the barbell up as...

Hang Snatch – Below Knee

The Hang Snatch from below the knee is an accessory exercise for the Snatch in Olympic weightlifting. Points of Performance:  Deadlift the barbell up as similarly to your clean pull as possible Hinge at the hips while simultaneously bending the knees to load the...


The snatch is an Olympic weightlifting exercise that is also common in CrossFit and alluring those interested in general fitness. It combines strength, speed, power, and mobility into a dynamic and explosive split second of precise execution. There is much to say...


The clean is an exercise used to develop strength, power and force absorption. It can be trained specifically for the...