Squatting while maintaining a bear hug creates a unique demand on the body. The arms work to keep the ball in...
Exercises Articles
The thruster is a strength and a conditioning exercise. At heavier loads it teaches the athlete to drive aggressively...
Banded Deficit Deadlift
Pulling from a deficit increases the demand on the quadriceps to break the bar from the floor, while adding a band to...
DB Clean
The db clean is an exercise commonly used for conditioning. It can be used for strength, but is mainly a lighter...
DB Clean – Single Arm
The single arm db clean is a unilateral exercise commonly used for conditioning. It demands anti-rotation and...
DB Front Rack Squat – Single Arm
The dumbbell front rack single arm squat is a low intensity unilateral squat that requires more stabilization than...
2DB Front Rack Squat
The dumbbell front rack squat is a low intensity squat that requires more stabilization than barbell movements. It is...
DB Clean + Thruster – Single Arm Alternating
The single arm alternating dumbbell clean + thruster is a unilateral conditioning exercise that combines strength and...
DB Clean + Thruster – Single Arm
The single arm dumbbell clean + thruster is a unilateral conditioning exercise that combines strength and coordination...
DB Clean + Thruster
The dumbbell clean + thruster is a conditioning exercise that combines strength and coordination to challenge...
2DB Bent Over Row
The 2DB bent over row is pulling exercise that places additional emphasis on core strength as well as the hips and...
2DB Bent Over Row – Alternating
The alternating bent over row is pulling exercise that places additional emphasis on core strength as well as the hips...