Lifestyle Articles

December Thoughts (2024)

As we wrap up this year it is a great time to look back and see how far we have come. If you happen to have your old training videos on your phone I find it great to scroll back and look at the movements you’ve been hammering and getting some perspective on what has...

The Fitness Bucket

Start by imagining your fitness as a 5 gallon bucket. This bucket represents your capacity as a human being - physical and mental. When the bucket is full you are operating optimally and as the bucket becomes empty performance goes down. Now imagine you have the...

The First Line of Defense

We all possess an immune system. There are things you can do to support your immune system and things you can do to damage it. Regardless of pandemics, we should be doing what we can to support our immune system before asking the health care system for help. The...

A Novel Approach to Longevity

Growing old can happen at any age. The more time we spend doing the same things, the more atrophied our brains become to the things we don’t do. This includes both physical and mental capacities. A rigid and closed system prevents the brain from adapting and the body...
The Fitness Bucket

The Fitness Bucket

Start by imagining your fitness as a 5 gallon bucket. This bucket represents your capacity as a human being - physical...