First thing in the morning is a great time to things done. Most of the world is still comfortably warm in their bed,...
Nutrition Articles

5 Distinctions Between Eating for Performance vs Health
Elite performance and health don’t match. There’s a common idea that represents the sickness and health continuum as a...

Paleo – The Gateway Drug to Health and Fitness
For many fitness is a way to improve how we think we should look naked or decrease pain from nagging injuries. We...
Truth and Recognition
The basic lifestyle guidelines are principles that are essential to both performance and health. Think of them as a...
Poop – It’s what was for Dinner
Poop. Not a topic your coach brings up everyday, unless you have an OPEX coach. We love to look at our own poop and we...
4 Simple Reasons Calories in doesn’t Equal Calories out
With a million companies happy to count your macros or deliver you food with a label for protein, fats, carbohydrates...
How Much Water Should you be Drinking?
The average adult human being is composed of 60% water. This water is split between the ICF and ECF, or the inside and...
Chew, Chew, Chew your Food
Have you ever thought about chewing your food? How many times do you chew per bite? Do you add more food before you...