Training Articles

March Thoughts – 2025

Has something ever been so important to you that it’s all you can think about? When you’re awake, it’s the only thing you want to do. You don’t get bored of it no matter how long you spend doing it and you dream about it when you fall asleep. This is how I feel about...

Eccentrics to Reduce Pain

When training for almost anything, you are likely to experience sore joints. Repetitive stress, muscle imbalances, deficits in mobility, faulty movement patterns, tissue recovery rates, etc. can all contribute to inflammation and pain. Does this sound complicated? Not...

What Should You Bring To Your Fitness Program?

There is more pressure than ever on small business and in particular, fitness programs and coaches, to distinguish themselves from the competition. Potential clients have many questions when they’re searching out a new program, such as, How many square feet is your...

What Should you Expect from your Fitness Program?

There is no shortage of exercise regimens to choose from today. Weight training, cardio and yoga have all been divided up into branded fitness organizations who provide their own spin on what fitness should be. By and large these programs all have in common that they...
Eccentrics to Reduce Pain

Eccentrics to Reduce Pain

When training for almost anything, you are likely to experience sore joints. Repetitive stress, muscle imbalances,...

Numb to the Voices

Numb to the Voices

Many people are addicted to their training routine. If they don’t get the feeling that they’re used to from lifting...

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