General Training Demos
Frog Stand – Knees on Triceps
Frog Stand – Knees Outside
Kettlebell Deadlift
The First Line of Defense
We all possess an immune system. There are things you can do to support your immune system and things you can do to damage it. Regardless of pandemics, we should be doing what we can to support our immune system before asking the health care system for help. The...
Ring Row to Muscle Up Transition
Numb to the Voices
Many people are addicted to their training routine. If they don’t get the feeling that they’re used to from lifting heavy, sweating hard, or gasping for breath, they think they haven’t gotten a good workout. Similar feelings and behavior to drug addiction follow a...
Side Lying Leg Abduction
Side Lying Leg Abduction – Hold
Straddle Hollow Rock
Handstand – Freestanding
Cues: Balance with your hands Squeeze the glutes Squeeze the legs together Flex the quads Point the toes Mistakes: Balancing by waving the legs or arching the body Soft legs Failing to point toes
Russian Kettlebell Swing
Cues Start with the kettlebell in front of the body so you have to reach for it With a straight back hike the weight high into the hips and then drive the hips and knees straight to swing the bell away from you The body should be vertical at the top of the swing Pull...
Prayer Stretch with Dumbbell
Dumbbell Floor Row
Kettlebell Liftoff + Swing
Kettlebell Liftoff
Thoracic Extension on Roller with KB
Life Lived Between the end Points: Reflections on GORUCK Selection 021
All photos by GORUCK Did you see me crying at that fire? I was dejected in my friend’s arms, sobbing so hard I couldn’t catch my breath. Do you wonder what I was thinking about during that moment I couldn’t speak and Jason shooed the camera away asking to give me...