Goblet Heels Elevated Squat

The goblet heels elevated squat is a quadriceps and knee strengthening exercise. By elevating the heels the forward load is increased without necessitating abnormal ankle flexibility. Adding weight requires and builds more strength in the associated muscles and tendons.



  • Hold a weight under your chin
  • Keep the torso vertical and squat straight down
  • Allow the knees to go forward
  • Squeeze the hamstrings tightly onto the calves at the bottom
  • Stand straight up without shifting the hips backwards


  • Using a weight that is too heavy
  • Shifting the hips back like a regular squat
  • Causing pain. Don’t be tough! Use your hands and move smoothly instead of adding weight if this is needed
  • Relaxing in the bottom position


  • Keep the elbows level with your shoulders and rotate the hands down and back up with control
  • The elbows should stay directly to the sides of the shoulders
  • Maintain strong retraction and rotate the hands as low as possible without causing the shoulders to translate forward


  • Elbows moving – the humorous should rotate within the joint
  • Shoulders rolling forward as the hands come down
  • Using too much weight
  • Flaring the ribcage 

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