Poliquin Step Up

The Poliquin step up is a VMO-centric exercise. It is a scaled down version of the Peterson step up which has the athlete balancing on the ball of the foot. Using a slant board is preferable, but placing the heel on a weight to create a similar angle is an effective method of adapting when no slant board is available.



  • Keep the torso vertical and squat straight down
  • Flex the toe up on the non-working leg
  • Bend until the knee reaches approximately 30 degrees
  • Pause and smoothly change directions squeezing the quad intentionally as you do so


  • Hold onto a support to assist with balance and reduce load as needed


  • Shifting the hips back like a regular squat
  • Bending deeper than 30 degrees
  • Moving quickly and flailing around


  • Keep the elbows level with your shoulders and rotate the hands down and back up with control
  • The elbows should stay directly to the sides of the shoulders
  • Maintain strong retraction and rotate the hands as low as possible without causing the shoulders to translate forward


  • Elbows moving – the humorous should rotate within the joint
  • Shoulders rolling forward as the hands come down
  • Using too much weight
  • Flaring the ribcage 

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