Ring Pull-up Single Ring

Pulling in supination on a single ring makes it easy to isolate pulling mechanics and prevents a clear definition of a pull-up with the contact at the top of each rep.


  • Start with a supinated grip and a full passive hang
  • Initiate the pull by pulling the depressing and retracting the scaps (chest up first)
  • Pull with the arms until your chin contacts the top of the ring
  • Lower with active scaps until the arms are straight (chest up)
  • Pause with chest up and arms straight in an active arch
  • Lower to full hang before initiating the next rep


  • Pulling with arms without engaging the scaps properly
  • Not touching ring at the top
  • Reaching up with the chin and neck. The head should stay neutral and pulling should be done with the arms.
  • Failing to pause in active scap position before lowering to full hang
  • Failing to lower to full hang each rep

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