Zombie Slide on Bench

The zombie slide teaches a strong push through the shoulders to effectively develop the strength to support the body in a press to handstand. Using a bench to elevated the feet reduces the mobility requirement and makes it easier to get into the proper pike compression to effectively load the shoulders.


  • Lay on a bench with your hands on the floor to begin
  • Drag the body forward through locked elbows and protracted shoulders and pike the hips high
  • Drive the shoulders up and under the hips to create a straight alignment
  • Squeeze the top position tightly
  • Return to the start position slowly and with control
  • Keep the toes pointed and knees locked at all times


  • Bending elbows
  • Bending knees
  • Working from the soles of the feet
  • Tucking the head inside to try to help the shoulders

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