Our Latest Articles
Truth and Recognition
The basic lifestyle guidelines are principles that are essential to both performance and health. Think of them as a...
Poop – It’s what was for Dinner
Poop. Not a topic your coach brings up everyday, unless you have an OPEX coach. We love to look at our own poop and we...
4 Simple Reasons Calories in doesn’t Equal Calories out
With a million companies happy to count your macros or deliver you food with a label for protein, fats, carbohydrates...
Numb to the Voices
Many people are addicted to their training routine. If they don’t get the feeling that they’re used to from lifting...
Life Lived Between the end Points: Reflections on GORUCK Selection 021
All photos by GORUCK Did you see me crying at that fire? I was dejected in my friend’s arms, sobbing so hard I...
3 Pulls and Two Phases of Weightlifting
Breaking things down is a great way to get a better understanding of Olympic weightlifting. All of the movement during...
The First Line of Defense
We all possess an immune system. There are things you can do to support your immune system and things you can do to...
A Novel Approach to Longevity
Growing old can happen at any age. The more time we spend doing the same things, the more atrophied our brains become...
Eating an Elephant: How to Achieve any Goal
As a child it was my dream to swim in the Olympics. I had watched the US women, specifically the tiny Janet Evans,...
Home Made Wood Parallettes
Parallettes are a great tool for bodyweight training. They provide a more comfortable wrist position for hand...
Dumbbell Cuban Rotation
The dumbbell cuban rotation is a shoulder prehab exercise that strengthens the rotator cuff as well as develops coordination in the execution of shoulder rotation.
Russian Dip – Transition
The russian dip is an exercise to strengthen internal rotation of the shoulders. It directly translates to the turnover in the muscle up, which is a common exercise in CrossFit training.Cues: Support on forearms to begin and push tall Rock back slightly then rock...
How you do a push-up is a good measure of how you approach your training in general. A full range of motion push-up with quality is not an easy exercise for most and should be a staple in any training program, or warm-up for more advanced athletes.Cues: Start in a...
Samson Lunge
The samson lunge opens the hips and is a staple in any workout program that involves hip extension or explosive movement. Cues: Step into a long lunge and reach tall and away from your back leg as you drive the hips forward Mistakes: Moving primarily through the back...
Side Bends – Standing
The side bend opens up the rib cage and lateral aspect of the upper body as well as the hips. Cues: Reach tall and bend sideways keeping the head even between the shoulders Move evenly through the entire side as you reach over and lengthen Keep the shoulders and hips...
Tuck Front Lever – Knees Under Bar
Cues: Hold the body level with the knees lower than bar Squeeze the scaps into retraction and keep the arms straight Push back away from the bar to engage the lats Mistakes: Bending elbows Allowing scaps to relax Hanging straight down without pushing back