Zachary Height Articles

Strict Pull-up – Band Assisted

Using a band to perform pull-ups with precision is a great way to clean up technique and build towards bodyweight pull-ups. Cues: Use a band that allows you to pull your chest all the way to the pull-up bar Place your foot in the band then settle into a passive hang...

Rope Pull-up

The rope pull-up places greater demand on the top arm. By lowering the bottom hand you can develop greater and greater strength of the top. It is a tremendous builder of hand and grip strength and is a progression towards the one arm pull-up. Cues: Grasp the rope with...

Ring Pull-up

The strict pull-up on rings has all the benefits of a traditional pull-up, but allows the arms to move in a more natural motion. It is useful for anyone experiencing pain during pull-ups, as well as developing the ability to pull higher more comfortably than on a...

Hang Snatch – Knee

The Hang Snatch from the knee is an accessory exercise for the Snatch in Olympic weightlifting. It assists in rate of force development as well as encourages a fast turnover and lockout in the receiving position. Points of Performance:  Deadlift the barbell up as...