Straightening the knee is as difficult as you make it. This should be thought of as an active mobility drill to build...
Zachary Height Articles
Single Leg Balance – Straight Leg Raise
Raising a straight leg builds tremendous hip flexor strength and lengthens the hamstring actively. This is an actively...
Single Leg Balance – Knee Up
Raising the knee is as difficult as you make it. There is a slight increase in difficulty with the knee up, but there...
Horse Stance with Stick
The horse stance is an active mobility and endurance drill for the legs. Conscious effort should be applied to make...
Handstand – Straddle Scissors – Wall Assisted
The straddle scissor with wall assistance is a precursor to performing them away from the wall. With careful execution...
Round Back Flat Back Hinge – Anchored
Cues: Roll down keeping hips forward to mobilize the middle and upper back Grasp anchor and pull through hips to...
Round Back Flat Back Hinge
Cues: Hinge forward maintaining lumbar extension and creating anterior pelvic tilt to stretch the hamstrings Pull into...
Prone Handstand – Wall
Cues: Create a clean line from hands through feet Actively push through shoulders into wall Brace abs, squeeze glutes,...
Shoulder Extension Hang
Cues: Step into hang slowly and with straight arms Keep body straight while relaxing through shoulders to stretch...
Skin the Cat
CUES: Start with locked knees and pointed toes and maintain throughout the entire movement. Keep elbows straight the...
Skin the Cat – Drop
CUES: Start with locked knees and pointed toes and maintain throughout the entire movement. Keep elbows straight the...
Muscle Up – Transition
Cues: Secure false grip and enter dip support Toes should just touch ground here Trace rings around chest and pause to...