Using a band to perform pull-ups with precision is a great way to clean up technique and build towards bodyweight...
Zachary Height Articles
Rope Pull-up
The rope pull-up places greater demand on the top arm. By lowering the bottom hand you can develop greater and greater...
Ring Pull-up
The strict pull-up on rings has all the benefits of a traditional pull-up, but allows the arms to move in a more...
Kip Extension- Rings
The kip extension on rings is used to develop core, scap, and glute strength. The arms should remain straight with no...
Inverted Hang to Inverted Tuck to Tuck Front Lever
The inverted hang to inverted tuck hang to tuck front lever is used to build scapular retraction strength and is a...
Inverted Hang to Tuck Front Lever
The inverted hang to tuck front lever is used to build scapular retraction strength and is a progression towards the...
Inverted Hang – Rings
The inverted hang is used to strengthen the scaps and can be performed as a single hold as well as for reps. ...
Archer Push-up
Start with locked elbows and protracted shoulders, touch chest keeping one arm straight, return to start position to...
Archer Push-up – Low
Start with locked elbows and protracted shoulders, touch chest keeping one arm straight, graze chest on floor as you...
Archer Push-up – Circle
Start with locked elbows and protracted shoulders, touch chest keeping one arm straight, graze chest on floor to...
Spider Push-up
Start with locked elbows and protracted shoulders, bring knee up to elbow keeping foot off ground as you descend,...
Spider Crawl
Start in a push-up position and take a step forward with your hand. As you do so bring your opposite leg up to your...