Zachary Height Articles

Inverted Hang – Rings

The inverted hang is used to strengthen the scaps and can be performed as a single hold as well as for reps.   Cues: Body should be in a straight line from shoulders through ankles retract and elevate the scaps to resist gravity place thighs in front rings to...

Spider Push-up

Start with locked elbows and protracted shoulders, bring knee up to elbow keeping foot off ground as you descend, return to traditional push-up position as you come up. Cues: Stay level and move leg to outside without twisting your body Lift the leg all the way to the...

Archer Push-up – Circle

Start with locked elbows and protracted shoulders, touch chest keeping one arm straight, graze chest on floor to switch sides, return to start position on opposite side from which you descended. Cues: Squeeze glutes and brace abs the entire duration of the set...

Archer Push-up – Low

Start with locked elbows and protracted shoulders, touch chest keeping one arm straight, graze chest on floor as you cross to opposite side, return to start position to finish Cues: Squeeze glutes and brace abs the entire duration of the set Maintain tension and move...