Creating a tight pike while leaning back enables a greater degree of compression compared to a lift directly from the...
Zachary Height Articles
Skin the Cat – Floor Entry
CUES: Cling to a shoulders to ring hold and raise the knees with control In a tight tuck lean back and slowly...
Skin the Cat – Step in From Floor
CUES: Set the rings to shoulder height to begin Cling to the rings and step one leg at a time to tuck position Raise...
Pistol Squat – Heels Elevated
Elevating the heel on the pistol squat places a greater demand on the quadriceps and the VMO. The reduced requirement...
Straight Leg Dumbbell Deadlift with Toes Up
Elevating the toes and keeping the knees straight make this version of the deadlift an effective active mobility drill...
Poliquin Step Up
The Poliquin step up is a VMO-centric exercise. It is a scaled down version of the Peterson step up which has the...
Ring Pull-up Single Ring
Pulling in supination on a single ring makes it easy to isolate pulling mechanics and prevents a clear definition of a...
Ring Pull-up – Side Emphasis
Pulling to one side on a ring pull-up emphasizes unilateral strength. A quality negative further builds upon this...
Goblet Heels Elevated Squat
The goblet heels elevated squat is a quadriceps and knee strengthening exercise. By elevating the heels the forward...
Heels Elevated Squat
The heels elevated squat is a quadriceps and knee strengthening exercise. By elevating the heels the forward load is...
Archer Pull-up – Rings
The archer pull-up on rings is a unilateral pulling exercise and is a progression towards the one arm chin-up. It...
Front Foot Elevated Split Squat – Dumbbell
The front foot elevated split squat is a combination of strength and mobility. By lunging deep you will build ankle...