Zachary Height Articles

Diagonal Stretch – Kneeling

Cues: Keep feet in a straight line from front to back Balance is part of the diagonal stretch Press through the ball of the back foot to pressurize quad and drive the hip forward Lean back and touch either your butt, hamstring, calf, or heel Feel a stretch through the...

Handstand – Single Leg Circles

 Cues: Secure handstand balance first Bring one knee down to the deepest tuck you can, straddle to the side, return to legs together, straddle to the side, bring leg into tuck, then return to straddle Keep tall leg in alignment Push tall and keep shoulders stacked...

Handstand – Single Leg Tuck

 Cues: Secure handstand balance first Bring one knee down to the deepest tuck you can Keep tall leg in alignment Push tall and keep shoulders stacked over hands Keep toes pointed at all times Mistakes: Shoulders sinking down or planching forward Reaching out of...

Handstand – Straight Leg Isolations

 Cues: Secure handstand balance first Bring one leg down to level with the hips then return to straight Keep tall leg in alignment Push tall and keep shoulders stacked over hands Maintain locked knees and actively pointed toes throughout the set Mistakes: Shoulders...
Pike Slide

Pike Slide

The pike slide teaches a strong push through the shoulders to effectively develop the strength to support the body in...