Gymnastics and Bodyweight Articles

Ring Pull-up – Side Emphasis

Pulling to one side on a ring pull-up emphasizes unilateral strength. A quality negative further builds upon this capacity as well as develops high quality scap control and resiliency. Cues: Start in a full hang Initiate the pull by pulling the depressing and...

Archer Pull-up – Rings

The archer pull-up on rings is a unilateral pulling exercise and is a progression towards the one arm chin-up. It takes a lot of strength, but is more accessible than many more advanced exercises. Cues: Start in a full hang Initiate the pull by pulling the depressing...

Single Leg Balance – Knee Extension

Straightening the knee is as difficult as you make it. This should be thought of as an active mobility drill to build balance and stability, but mainly to develop hip flexor strength and hamstring mobility on the straightening leg. Cues: Shift your weight to one side...

Single Leg Balance – Straight Leg Raise

Raising a straight leg builds tremendous hip flexor strength and lengthens the hamstring actively. This is an actively mobility drill and will only be as hard as you make it. In other words, you get out of it what you put into it. Cues: Shift your weight to one side...