The side bend opens up the rib cage and lateral aspect of the upper body as well as the hips. Cues: Reach tall and...

The side bend opens up the rib cage and lateral aspect of the upper body as well as the hips. Cues: Reach tall and...
The couch stretch lengthens the hip flexor and quad and is very helpful for generating hip extension. This lengthening...
The pigeon stretch is a classic hip opener to loosen then glutes. Done correctly it will help to increase hip mobility...
The pike slide teaches a strong push through the shoulders to effectively develop the strength to support the body in...
The weighted pancake builds strenth in the hips and posterior chain while increasing mobility at the same time. By...
Cues: Keep feet in a straight line from front to back Balance is part of the diagonal stretch Press through the ball...
The runner's stretch is an active mobility drill for the hips and hamstrings. Several variations increase intensity...
The pancake stretch goes up a level by adding a weighted side bend. The addition of load allows for deeper bends and...