General Training Demos
Front Foot Elevated Split Squat
The front foot elevated split squat is a combination of strength and mobility. By lunging deep you will build ankle mobility and knee strength as well as lengthen the hip flexors of the trailing leg.Cues: Lunge until the hamstring covers the calf and squeeze into this...
Lateral Step Up – Deep
Lateral Step Up
Box Step Down without Push Off
Strict Pull-up – Supinated
Cues: Start in a full passive hang with underhand grip Activate the pull through the back and scaps first, then pull with the arms in one motion Keep the head level and pull until the chin is well above the bar Return to a full hang each rep Mistakes: Starting from...
Strict Pull-up – Pronated
Cues: Start in a full passive hang with overhand grip Activate the pull through the back and scaps first, then pull with the arms in one motion Keep the head level and pull until the chin is well above the bar Return to a full hang each rep Mistakes: Starting from...
Weighted Strict Pull-up – Supinated
Weighted Strict Pull-up – Pronated
2KB Front Rack Squat
What’s the Point?
I was having a conversation with a friend involved in partner acrobatics about lifting weights. He has a background in sports and athletics, so I asked him if he still lifts weights. His response surprised me. The basic summary was that he didn’t lift weights anymore,...
A Novel Approach to Longevity
Growing old can happen at any age. The more time we spend doing the same things, the more atrophied our brains become to the things we don’t do. This includes both physical and mental capacities. A rigid and closed system prevents the brain from adapting and the body...
Two Sides of the Same Coin
Two fundamental ways we can make improvements in our fitness are through physical adaptations and technical improvements, or neurological adaptations. Physical adaptations require hard work, fortitude and pushing through discomfort and pain. Neurological adaptations...
Breathing for Gainz
Several years ago a good friend of mine, who was also a psychiatrist, was getting into meditation. We would often spend hours in the gym drawing diagrams of neurotransmitters on my gym’s whiteboard and talking about the effects of training on the brain after the final...
Snatch Press – Banded KB’s
Push Press
Alternating Dumbbell Press -Standing
Table Rock
Handstand Kick Up – Split Legs
Cues: Start with hands on the floor and shoulders slightly ahead of hands Kick into handstand and hold for 3 seconds with legs split to 90 degrees Come down under control and repeat on the same leg for prescribed number of reps Mistakes: Failing to stabilize the...