General Training Demos
Forearm Headstand
Dumbbell Press – Standing
Table Rock – Hold
Barbell Hip Thrust
Valslide Multi-Lunge
Handstand Leg Lift with Feet on Box
Reverse Lunge
Forward Lunge
Pistol to Box
Reverse Lunge – Alternating
Forward Lunge – Alternating
Ring Push-up
Cues: Start with rings turned out, elbows locked, and scaps protracted - "Lockout" Lower until rings touch shoulders, or lower, then return to start position Keep the core solid the entire motion and for all reps Use wider hands to increase difficulty Walk forward to...
Ring Dip
Cues: Acquire ring support position to begin Lower into a deep dip and return to a full lockout at the top Turnout should happen on each rep Mistakes: Failing to go to a full depth Failing to turn the rings out on every rep
Low Cossack Squat
The low Cossack squat helps to develop hip and leg mobility. By staying low across the middle you force greater hip opening than returning to the top between each rep.Cues: Keep your squatting heel down Keep the hips between your knees as you move side to side Stay as...
Box Step Down
Ring Dip without Straps
Performing a ring dip without straps demands more strength due to the wider hand position and loss of leverage.Cues: Start in a full turnout, lower to full depth, push back to a full turnout Keep the torso upright and allow the shoulders to extend Progress wider...