General Training Demos
Goblet Squat
Goblet Reverse Lunge
Goblet Pistol to Box
Goblet Forward Lunge
Goblet Alternating Reverse Lunge
Goblet Alternating Forward Lunge
Squat Freestyle Warm Up
Passive Squat
Air Squat
Ring Dip Support
Cues: Set the rings high enough where you legs and can hang without bending Enter from the top, or start in the dip support position Support with shoulders just below the tops of the rings Keep tension through chest and shoulders Mistakes: Rings set low so you have...
Ring Dip Support – 90 Degree Elbow
Ring Support
Cues: Set the rings high enough where you legs and can hang straight down Lock the elbows and turn the rings out so the straps do not touch your shoulders Press the shoulders down away from the ears Keep the rings close at your sides. It can help to squeeze in when...
Banded Weight Shifts
Tricep Push-up on Box
Tricep Push-up on Box with Bent Knees
Tricep Push-up
Body Lever on Bench
Body Lever Negative on Bench
Body Lever on Bench – Bent Hips and Knees
Body Lever on Bench – Bent Hips
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