Gymnastics and Bodyweight Demos

False Grip Ring Pull-up

False Grip Ring Pull-up

The false pull-up on rings has all the benefits of a traditional pull-up, but builds towards the muscle up because of the unique grip. The additional strength and mobility developed in the forearms by using this grip will translate to other more advanced skills as...

Ring Pull-up Single Ring

Ring Pull-up Single Ring

Pulling in supination on a single ring makes it easy to isolate pulling mechanics and prevents a clear definition of a pull-up with the contact at the top of each rep.Cues: Start with a supinated grip and a full passive hang Initiate the pull by pulling the depressing...

Archer Pull-up – Rings

Archer Pull-up – Rings

The archer pull-up on rings is a unilateral pulling exercise and is a progression towards the one arm chin-up. It takes a lot of strength, but is more accessible than many more advanced exercises. Cues: Start in a full hang Initiate the pull by pulling the depressing...

Single Leg Balance

Single Leg Balance

Standing on one leg is simple way to assess and develop balance. This is a great drill for anyone coming back from injury, or who needs to develop stability in their lower half for any reason. Cues: Shift your weight to one side and slowly raise your other leg a few...



The pull over develops anterior chain strength by having the athlete raise their legs and pull themselves over the bar. It is the easiest way to get on top of a pull-up bar. Cues: Start in a full hang Perform a pull-up Raise the legs in front and lean back as they...

Rope Pull-up

Rope Pull-up

The rope pull-up places greater demand on the top arm. By lowering the bottom hand you can develop greater and greater strength of the top. It is a tremendous builder of hand and grip strength and is a progression towards the one arm pull-up. Cues: Grasp the rope with...

Ring Pull-up

Ring Pull-up

The strict pull-up on rings has all the benefits of a traditional pull-up, but allows the arms to move in a more natural motion. It is useful for anyone experiencing pain during pull-ups, as well as developing the ability to pull higher more comfortably than on a...

Straight Arm Reverse Plank

Straight Arm Reverse Plank

The straight arm reverse plank builds powerful triceps and mobile shoulders. The posterior chain is used to assist raising the hips and supporting in a powerful extended shoulder position. Cues: Use an elevated surface that allows you to fully extend the hips Open the...

Prone Straddle Extension

Prone Straddle Extension

Developing a powerful straddle will stabilize your lower back and is integral to keeping a body healthy. Not all leg exercises are done standing up, or lifting weights. Using reps is an effective way to develop awareness and power in the straddle. Cues: Grasp the...

Prone Straddle Hold

Prone Straddle Hold

Developing a powerful straddle will stabilize your lower back and is integral to keeping a body healthy. Not all leg exercises are done standing up, or lifting weights. Cues: Grasp the bench using both arms. The closer you hold the to edge the heavier your lower half...

L-Sit on Floor

L-Sit on Floor

A core building behemoth of an exercise. Performing L-sits on the floor challenges scapular depression and mobility as well as growing your abs. It may seem like your arms are too short to push your hips off the floor, but with strong pressure downwards your shoulders...

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