Goblet Squat – Double Brace

The goblet squat with double bracing helps to identify the effort and coordination of creating and maintaining a stable trunk and pelvis throughout the full range of motion of a squat. Often the bottom of the squat loses stability and poor performance, or minor, but chronic, injuries result. Learning to stabilize effectively is a great way to improve performance and work through injuries.



  • Hold a weight under your chin
  • Take a deep breath into your belly and squeeze the muscles of your trunk around the air to create strong pressure and stability
  • Squat to just above parallel and repeat the same deep breath and squeezing of the trunk musculature. You should feel the entire body working at this point, regardless of weight used
  • With focus and concentration keep this tension and smoothly squat to your best depth and then return to the top of your squat
  • Take time between reps as needed to breathe and allow your body to recover. The extra bracing and breath holding is an easy way to make yourself dizzy if you overdo it. Don’t pass yourself out


  • Failing to apply strong effort on BOTH breaths and bracing
  • Releasing tension at any point, but especially below the second brace into and out of the bottom of the squat
  • Using a heavier weight than allows you to move with conscious quality and consistency between reps
  • Passing out


  • Keep the elbows level with your shoulders and rotate the hands down and back up with control
  • The elbows should stay directly to the sides of the shoulders
  • Maintain strong retraction and rotate the hands as low as possible without causing the shoulders to translate forward


  • Elbows moving – the humorous should rotate within the joint
  • Shoulders rolling forward as the hands come down
  • Using too much weight
  • Flaring the ribcage 

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