Workshop Skills – 10.9.2021

The theme for this sessions training was on developing an understanding of the importance of quality positions in order to do work efficiently. Yes, you can balance a sloppy handstand and muscle through a muscle up, but if you do these skills well it puts less stress on your body and allows you to train more often and harder while still being able to recover for your next session.

In particular, with the handstand we focused on learning to push strong through the shoulders and to begin to develop alignment while keeping the body solid from head to toe.

With the muscle up the priority was on understanding stability on top of the rings first and foremost so we can understand where we are going when we are performing the muscle up. From below the rings the priority was on creating powerful scap retraction in order to set the shoulders effectively and allow maximal elevation in pulling.

We also spent some time on the transition that will be built upon in the future. This element is commonly awkward and difficult to perform in a way that is relevant to the full movement, because until you can do the full movement you don’t yet have an awareness of the positions involved.

Between now and the next session on 10.23.21 focus on developing the skills and becoming more familiar with the concepts. In this next session we will refine these skills and in the following session look to create advancement based upon each individuals skill level. The more diligence you put into practicing the movements we go over in each session the more prepared to advance you will be. Hard work will pay off, mental gymnastics will not.

Practice the following handstand skills 3-5 times per week and practice the muscle up skills 2 times per week until the next session.

Sign up for the next session here: WORKSHOP SIGN UP FORM


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