Runner’s Stretch

The runner’s stretch is an active mobility drill for the hips and hamstrings. Several variations increase intensity and work towards the front split with a main focus on the hamstring of the front leg.


  • Keep the back leg vertical and sit tall to being
  • Hinge forward generating anterior pelvic tilt at the hip to your furthest range, then fold forward
  • Keep tension in the front leg by squeezing the quad and flexing the toes back towards the face
  • Equally hold your body up with your hands as well as your front leg to build strength in the stretched tissues
  • If you can’t reach the ground with anterior tilt then use risers for your hands to assist


  • Start in the runner’s stretch position and slide forward using your leg strength to control the movement both directions
  • Focus to push and pull through the hips and maintain powerful tension in the quad and flexed foot
  • Work carefully and do not overreach. It is easy to do too much.
  • Use risers under hands as needed to assist the position
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