General Training Demos

March Thoughts – 2025

March Thoughts – 2025

Has something ever been so important to you that it’s all you can think about? When you’re awake, it’s the only thing you want to do. You don’t get bored of it no matter how long you spend doing it and you dream about it when you fall asleep. This is how I feel about...

February Thoughts – 2025

February Thoughts – 2025

Almost 400 years ago, Isaac Newton realized that an object in motion tends to remain in motion - the first law of motion. While this applies in a direct physics perspective, it also applies to our habits and the daily choices that we make. Momentum makes life easier....

January Thoughts – 2025

January Thoughts – 2025

It’s the start of 2025 and you’re probably already tired of the resolutions, motivational speeches, and sales pitches for the product that’s going to make this year “different.” Instead, let me tell you a story that hopefully helps you understand what really goes into...

December Thoughts – 2024

December Thoughts – 2024

As we wrap up this year it is a great time to look back and see how far we have come. If you happen to have your old training videos on your phone I find it great to scroll back and look at the movements you’ve been hammering and getting some perspective on what has...

New Client Onboarding

New Client Onboarding

Welcome to Height Performance 1-1 Coaching!Here you’ll find details for how to read your testing and training exercises and how I expect to receive the results, so that we can keep track of your training accurately. IMPORTANT DETAIL Your billing is on auto. It will...



How you do a push-up is a good measure of how you approach your training in general. A full range of motion push-up with quality is not an easy exercise for most and should be a staple in any training program, or warm-up for more advanced athletes.Cues: Start in a...

Workshop – Basic Training Templates

Workshop – Basic Training Templates

Below you will find links to PDF documents containing basic training templates. Feel free to use them and share them with anyone you think may be interested.   Handstand - Basic Training Template Mobility - Basic Training Template Strength - Basic Training...

Samson Lunge

Samson Lunge

The samson lunge opens the hips and is a staple in any workout program that involves hip extension or explosive movement. Cues: Step into a long lunge and reach tall and away from your back leg as you drive the hips forward Mistakes: Moving primarily through the back...

Side Bends – Standing

Side Bends – Standing

The side bend opens up the rib cage and lateral aspect of the upper body as well as the hips. Cues: Reach tall and bend sideways keeping the head even between the shoulders Move evenly through the entire side as you reach over and lengthen Keep the shoulders and hips...

Workshop 12.18.21

Workshop 12.18.21

Handstand entries, holds, compression work and shoulder strength from all angles was our goal today. This session built off the 12.4 workshop and refined some of the skills to help us continue to build towards a steady handstand hold and coordinated upper body...

Zombie Slide on Bench

Zombie Slide on Bench

The zombie slide teaches a strong push through the shoulders to effectively develop the strength to support the body in a press to handstand. Using a bench to elevated the feet reduces the mobility requirement and makes it easier to get into the proper pike...

Workshop 12.4.21

Workshop 12.4.21

Continuing to build compression through a combination of mobility and active flexion work was the core of our work today. Mobility is a long term process, so you must stick with it for months and years to truly see progress. Combining this flexibility focused training...

Ball Up + Negative

Ball Up + Negative

Cues: Tuck the knees into the chest and curl up until the feet contact the pull-up bar Squeeze the scaps into retraction and keep the arms straight You can use momentum to get into position Negative down as slowly as possible Mistakes: Bending elbows Allowing scaps to...

Couch stretch

Couch stretch

The couch stretch lengthens the hip flexor and quad and is very helpful for generating hip extension. This lengthening effect can also help to relieve knee and low back pain.Cues: Keep the abs and glutes tight Drive the hips forward to initiate a strong hip stretch...

Pigeon Stretch

Pigeon Stretch

The pigeon stretch is a classic hip opener to loosen then glutes. Done correctly it will help to increase hip mobility and can also reduce back pain associated with tight hips.Cues: Square hips to the front Work towards a 90 degree knee bend. Bend less to avoid...

Workshop Skills – 11.20.21

Workshop Skills – 11.20.21

This session was about continuing to build compression strength towards a straddle press to handstand and learning to control our bodyweight on rings through the shoulders with straight arms. We built on the previous sessions mobility work by adding an additional...

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