Pike Slide

The pike slide teaches a strong push through the shoulders to effectively develop the strength to support the body in a press to handstand. It also develops compression by using a strong pike position to actively fold the body each rep.


  • Sit on your heels with ankles plantar flexed and fold over to begin
  • Slide the hands around while keeping the shoulders low as possible
  • With the hands in your handstand position pull yourself forward and press up to to support your weight as you come forward
  • Minimize the amount of planche and pike the hips high while squeezing the thighs to the stomach hard
  • Stay on the tops of the toes
  • Lower slowly as possible each rep
  • Keep the chin up and eyes on the floor in front of the hands


  • Bending elbows
  • Bending knees
  • Working from the soles of the feet
  • Tucking the head inside to try to help the shoulders
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