CUES: Set the rings to shoulder height to begin Cling to the rings and step one leg at a time to tuck position Raise...

CUES: Set the rings to shoulder height to begin Cling to the rings and step one leg at a time to tuck position Raise...
CUES: Grip the rings and bring them behind you in a kneeling position Work between a relaxed and strongly active...
Cues: Place your tip toes on a box to allow for quality positions Acquire ring support position to begin Lower into a...
Elevating the heel on the pistol squat places a greater demand on the quadriceps and the VMO. The reduced requirement...
Pulling in supination on a single ring makes it easy to isolate pulling mechanics and prevents a clear definition of a...
Pulling to one side on a ring pull-up emphasizes unilateral strength. A quality negative further builds upon this...
The archer pull-up on rings is a unilateral pulling exercise and is a progression towards the one arm chin-up. It...
Straightening the knee is as difficult as you make it. This should be thought of as an active mobility drill to build...
Raising a straight leg builds tremendous hip flexor strength and lengthens the hamstring actively. This is an actively...
Raising the knee is as difficult as you make it. There is a slight increase in difficulty with the knee up, but there...
Standing on one leg is simple way to assess and develop balance. This is a great drill for anyone coming back from...
The pull over develops anterior chain strength by having the athlete raise their legs and pull themselves over the...