Exercises Articles

Dumbbell Cuban Rotation

The dumbbell cuban rotation is a shoulder prehab exercise that strengthens the rotator cuff as well as develops coordination in the execution of shoulder rotation.

Russian Dip – Transition

The russian dip is an exercise to strengthen internal rotation of the shoulders. It directly translates to the turnover in the muscle up, which is a common exercise in CrossFit training.Cues: Support on forearms to begin and push tall Rock back slightly then rock...


How you do a push-up is a good measure of how you approach your training in general. A full range of motion push-up with quality is not an easy exercise for most and should be a staple in any training program, or warm-up for more advanced athletes.Cues: Start in a...

Samson Lunge

The samson lunge opens the hips and is a staple in any workout program that involves hip extension or explosive movement. Cues: Step into a long lunge and reach tall and away from your back leg as you drive the hips forward Mistakes: Moving primarily through the back...