General Training Demos
Skin the Cat – Step in From Floor
CUES: Set the rings to shoulder height to begin Cling to the rings and step one leg at a time to tuck position Raise the other leg and lean back to allow the body to flip backwards Slowly straighten the arms as you lean back with control and focus Reach with the legs...
Shoulder Extension Scap Pull
CUES: Grip the rings and bring them behind you in a kneeling position Work between a relaxed and strongly active protracted shoulder position Use kneeling, knees up, straight body based upon your skill level Easiest is always best for this drill until it is perfected...
Pike Slide
The pike slide teaches a strong push through the shoulders to effectively develop the strength to support the body in a press to handstand. It also develops compression by using a strong pike position to actively fold the body each rep. Cues: Sit on your heels with...
Pancake – Weighted with Hips Elevated
The weighted pancake builds strenth in the hips and posterior chain while increasing mobility at the same time. By working strength with your mobility you turn your new range into functional and useable range.Cues: Elevate high enough to keep the back straight and...
Workshop Skills – 11.6.21
This session was all about developing compression to work towards a straddle press to handstand and learning to control our bodyweight on rings through the shoulders with straight arms. We worked a ton of mobility to open the back of our body and combined that with...
Workshop Skills 10.23.21
Today was the second session working on the alignment of handstands and the basic pulling mechanics from below, and stability on top, of the rings to do a muscle up. The theme of this session was, and will continue to be, quality of execution. Good movement is not...
Ring Dip – Feet Support on Box
Cues: Place your tip toes on a box to allow for quality positions Acquire ring support position to begin Lower into a deep dip and return to a full lockout at the top Bend the knees to keep the torso vertical Turnout should happen on each rep Mistakes: Keeping the...
Diagonal Stretch – Kneeling
Cues: Keep feet in a straight line from front to back Balance is part of the diagonal stretch Press through the ball of the back foot to pressurize quad and drive the hip forward Lean back and touch either your butt, hamstring, calf, or heel Feel a stretch through the...
Handstand – Single Leg Circles
Cues: Secure handstand balance first Bring one knee down to the deepest tuck you can, straddle to the side, return to legs together, straddle to the side, bring leg into tuck, then return to straddle Keep tall leg in alignment Push tall and keep shoulders stacked...
Handstand – Single Leg Tuck
Cues: Secure handstand balance first Bring one knee down to the deepest tuck you can Keep tall leg in alignment Push tall and keep shoulders stacked over hands Keep toes pointed at all times Mistakes: Shoulders sinking down or planching forward Reaching out of...
Handstand – Straight Leg Isolations
Cues: Secure handstand balance first Bring one leg down to level with the hips then return to straight Keep tall leg in alignment Push tall and keep shoulders stacked over hands Maintain locked knees and actively pointed toes throughout the set Mistakes: Shoulders...
Ring Row
Cues: Adjust rings so your pulling angle is perpendicular to the strap angle Squeeze the scaps together first and then pull the rings deep to the armpits Work with the mentality that you can always get a little bit more scap retraction Use an angle that allows for a...
Active Arch Hang
Cues: Pull with 100% straight arms by retracting and depressing the scaps The goal is to pull the chest to horizontal and maximize scap retraction Allow the legs to relax and hang straight down Minimize lat assistance and focus on scaps Pull only to the height you are...
Workshop Skills – 10.9.2021
The theme for this sessions training was on developing an understanding of the importance of quality positions in order to do work efficiently. Yes, you can balance a sloppy handstand and muscle through a muscle up, but if you do these skills well it puts less stress...
Goblet Squat – Double Brace
The goblet squat with double bracing helps to identify the effort and coordination of creating and maintaining a stable trunk and pelvis throughout the full range of motion of a squat. Often the bottom of the squat loses stability and poor performance, or minor, but...
Human Knee Extension – Hand Assisted Negative
The hand assisted human knee extension is a scaled version that allows you to approach your best range of motion using the power of negatives. By working only the negative with high quality you will build the strength towards completing this movement with...
Human Knee Extension – Target
The human knee extension to target is a scaled version that allows you to precisely coordinate your range of motion and slowly increase it towards the full range over time. Working in your best range of motion will build strength in the knees and quads effectively...
Kneeling Squat
The kneeling squat is a conditioning exercise for the quads and particularly the knees. It can be scaled, or advanced, in order to fit almost any skill level.Cues: Keep the torso vertical both down and coming back up Scale as needed to prevent pain Scale: 1 -...
Runner’s Stretch
The runner's stretch is an active mobility drill for the hips and hamstrings. Several variations increase intensity and work towards the front split with a main focus on the hamstring of the front leg. Static: Keep the back leg vertical and sit tall to being Hinge...
Pancaked Side Bends – Weighted
The pancake stretch goes up a level by adding a weighted side bend. The addition of load allows for deeper bends and also builds strength in the tissues that are stretched.Cues: Sit in widest straddle and raise a small weight above your head with straight elbows...
Jump Rope
Jump rope is a dynamic warm up and can also be used in a conditioning setting. It requires and develops rhythm as well as high-eye coordination. Single Unders: Keep the body loose and relaxed and the spine neutral Arms should be symmetrical when viewed from the front...