Workshop Skills 10.23.21

Today was the second session working on the alignment of handstands and the basic pulling mechanics from below, and stability on top, of the rings to do a muscle up.

The theme of this session was, and will continue to be, quality of execution. Good movement is not only efficient, it is also a best case scenario from a biomechanics standpoint. Training is hard on the body and working with movement that doesn’t unnecessarily wear down your muscles and joints is essential for long term training and generating progress. A bonus to moving well is that movements build upon one another. So properly warming up the wrists for handstands will help mobilize the forearms to allow for a more comfortable false grip. Performing a ring row with intense scapular retraction will increase your pulling height on the rings to make muscle ups more achievable. Everything builds upon the “easier” skills to generate progression.

Between now and the next session on 11.6.23 implement the drills we learned in your training regularly. Wrist prep should be done daily regardless of your workout and those of you with mobility limitations should include the lat/tri insertion stretch with your training daily as well. Practice the HS work 3-4 times per week and include a few sets of the strength work twice a week to make gains and become more consistent. Remember, quality is the key. Don’t bother with the balancing away from the wall drills on the HS if your shape isn’t consistent. Check below in the skills section for rep and time ranges for the exercises that were completed both this session and in the session from 10.8.21


Wrist Prep: Daily

  • Wrist Series – 90-120s x 1-2 sets
    • Freestyle. Be creative and spend more time working in ranges that are challenging for you to bring them up with the rest of your positions.
  • First knuckle Push-up – @20×1 – 10 x 3 sets
    • Keep the shoulders over the fingertips. Control every millimeter on the way down. Only work in the full position if you can control it legit.
  • Wrist Push-up – @20×1 – 10 x 3 sets
    • Get the backs of the wrists to the floor and keep your fists. Closer to the knees with the hands is easier. Be easy on this one until you build up the tissues in your wrists.

Thoracic Opening/Handstand Prep: Daily

  • Passive Hang – 60-90s x 2-3 sets
    • Relax. Let gravity pull. Use deep breaths to lengthen and release the body.
  • Lat/Tri Insertion Stretch – 45-75s x 2-3 sets
    • Keep the armpit open and the torso hollow. If you are more flexible this should feel like an intense ab workout/plank. If you are less flexible it should feel like a stretch AND an intense ab workout.
  • Prone PVC Rollover – 10 reps x 2-3 sets
    • No clicking of the shoulders with 100% locked elbows is priority

Mobility: Daily

Handstand Positioning: 3-4 Sessions/wk


Ring Stability: 2 Sessions/wk

  • Ring Support – 30s x 3 sets with full turnout
    • Locked elbows means locked elbows. If there is 1 degree of elbow bend this is not locked. Use feet assistance to achieve full duration
  • Ring Dip Support – 30s x 3 sets
    • Keep it tight. Don’t rest on your connective tissue
  • Ring Dip – @30×1 – 5 x 5 sets
    • Start and finish every rep in a perfect lockout
  • Ring Dip – Feet Support on Box – @30×1 – 5 x 5 sets
    • Start and finish every rep in a perfect lockout

Pulling Mechanics: 2 Sessions/wk

  • Ring Row – 5 reps scap focus x 2 sets
    • The scaps can always be 1mm closer together
  • Active Arch Hang – 15-25s static hold x 3 sets
    • Straight arms. Trust your scaps
  • Strict Pull-up – 4-6 x 3 sets
    • Start and finish with the scaps like the arch hang and ring row
  • Muscle Up – Transition – perfect reps x 3-10 sets
    • Make them harder or easier as needed. Do not use momentum. Be precise.
  • The False Grip – Hold it
    • Yes or no. There is no in between with the false grip
    • Perform passive hangs or pull-ups with chest to ring contact with this grip
  • False Grip Ring Pull-up – @30×1 – 3-5 x 5 sets
    • Full passive hang at bottom. Shoulders make contact and hold for 1 full second at the top. 3 second negtaives.
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